Jun 18Liked by Kelly Williams

I love this and I'm going to see if I can do the same. I often shy away from doing these type of exercises because I feel like I never have "enough" to try to emulate, but maybe that's the real challenge. How can I get close while still feeling like it's me!

Also I'm a big fan of scarfs. I love wearing them as a "necklace" because I don't have many and I feel like it's a great replacement. Also love adding them to purses as well.

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YES! You nailed it. I think it's a good program in going "oooh so I like someone who wears baggy pants but I only have straight-leg" and rather than thinking we should buy more baggy pants, realizing that we feel best looking a little different.

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I love this and I'm going to see if I can do the same. I often shy away from doing these type of exercises because I feel like I never have "enough" to try to emulate, but maybe that's the real challenge. How can I get close while still feeling like it's me!

Also I'm a big fan of scarfs. I love wearing them as a "necklace" because I don't have many and I feel like it's a great replacement. Also love adding them to purses as well.

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